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Your cat scratches the furniture. How to protect the sofa from the cat?

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Your cat scratches the furniture. How to protect the sofa from the cat?

Special thanks to Mikrus - a tiny kitty thrown into a ditch with her siblings and saved by the best temporary home in Olsztyn. Now she found a real home in Elblag


Kittens are small, fluffy and purr charmingly. However, every owner of a sweet ball of fur knows that there is a real devil behind those huge eyes. Because sometimes our meowing companion decides to show her claws - both figuratively and literally - and decorate our beloved sofa or precious corner sofa. Can this behavior be counteracted? Use our guide and see what you can do!

Why does a cat scratch the furniture?
A cat is not only an excellent predator, but also - due to its small size - it is vulnerable to attacks by hunters larger than itself. That is why it must constantly take care of the best condition of the claws. Blunted ones would deprive it of a chance to defend itself against an attack, e.g. by other representatives of its own species.

Cats are highly territorial, and after losing a fight they have to leave their former domains, which means for them the loss of a source of food and the need to look for a new place. Additionally, cats use their claws for climbing. It is often up to them whether the animal manages to escape from a dog or man chasing it. So you see that for a cat, sharp claws are a real matter of life and death. 

Kittens from the foundation A City Good for Animals are up for adoption


Okay, but what does scratching furniture have to do with it? A lot! Cats thrive on an upholstered surface because:

•    it helps them get rid of scaly claw fragments, and thus keep them sharp,
•    they have scent glands on their paws, and scratching allows them to mark their territory with scent,
•    they are stressed by a new situation at home - e.g. when a new pet or child has appeared in the house or when renovation is taking place - scent marking allows them to regain balance,
•    they want to mark a new piece of furniture,
•    it helps them to stretch their muscles, especially the tight back,
•    want to relieve frustration,
•    they show joy,
•    they are bored and want to play,
•    feel unwell or have something wrong with them.

Some kittens are waiting for you at the foundation Four Paws SOS

Don't even think about it!
In some countries, to protect furniture from cats, removing their claws is recommended. This is a highly barbaric procedure that is fortunately completely illegal in Poland. During the ‘procedure’ the last phalange of the cat's toe is removed, and then the joints and tendons are incised. As a result, the cat is declawed, but also will experience terrible pain for the rest of its life: both when walking and when using the litter box. In addition, she will not be able to defend herself, climb, and express her emotions in a natural way, which will make her sad and depressed.

Sharp claws are part of feline nature. That is why the popular ‘tips’, i.e. colorful, silicone claw caps, can cause a lot of problems for your fluffy friend. The claws covered with them remain constantly extended, which makes it difficult for the cat to move. The pet will not be able to remove the dead scales from the claw, use its muscles properly or mark its territory with pheromones. She also cannot scratch herself in the tips, and the constantly itchy skin will quickly lead her to frustration. Also, the use of the litter box will be significantly more difficult.

Together, these factors mean that the application of silicone pads, even the most beautiful ones, most often leads to behavioral and health problems in the animal. This can directly contribute to shortening her life. 

Check out the nearby animal rescue foundations - maybe your new friend is waiting for you in one of them?


Protect the couch from the cat!
If we want our kitty not to damage  a couch, we can trim her claws a bit. This should not adversely affect his behavior and health. However, remember that - if you do it yourself - you must pay attention to where the nerve runs. It's the pink line inside the claw. It must not be damaged, as this will cause the pet pain and cause bleeding.

What else can you do? The first step in training your cat should be to make her feel as safe as possible and to consistently respect boundaries. The second, however, will be realizing that a cat is not a dog and its reaction to some things or events we will not be able to change. Still, there are several things you can do:

  1. Give your pet plenty of exercise to release any tension. Reach for ping-pong balls, fishing rods for cats or plush mice filled with catnip. All kinds of tunnels, feathers and ribbons will also be perfect here. Remember to change toys from time to time to avoid monotony. They don't have to be expensive: a bit of yarn, a candy wrapper or a roll of toilet paper will work great.
    Special thanks to Ropuch and Fikus - resident cats who help take care of unwanted kitties in Martyna's temporary home


  1. The kitten is scratching wooden legs your furniture? Use double-sided tape or bubble wrap. Most cats do not like the feeling of these objects in their paws, so they start to avoid surfaces covered with them.  
  2.  Try to teach your cat where to scratch and where not to scratch. Don't punish her! Instead, reward positive behavior with attention and treats. Choose scratchers from the very beginning, instead of, for example, encouraging your pet to scratch old armchairs or poufs. The kitten is not able to differentiate furniture from one another, so in her mind it will also be acceptable to destroy your new purchases.
  3.  Every time your kitty starts scratching a corner sofa, grab it and move it near the scratching post. At the same time, you can utter a reprimand in a firm tone - a simple "No!" or “You mustn't!” Don't yell at the pet and - above all! - never hit her or spray her with water. Also, don't be offended by your fluffy friend and don't refuse to pet her. Cats are not able to think abstractly and such behavior, apart from being extremely cruel, is also completely incomprehensible to her.
  4. Consistency should always be the most important thing in your actions. Cats love to test boundaries and some cats can be extremely stubborn. However, don't forget that pets never want to make you angry! So if after a long time your fluffy ball is still stubbornly scratching, it will be necessary to think about the reason for her behavior. Maybe she's missing something? What happens at home when she starts scratching furniture? Has something changed in your apartment recently? Do you leave your pet alone for a long time? Does she have enough stimuli? Maybe this change is sudden, and the kitten is also losing weight and lethargic?

Better to prevent than to cure
Fortunately, today's cat owners have another weapon at their disposal - Pet Friendly fabrics! These materials are distinguished by a special weave, which not only gives them exceptional smoothness, but also significantly hinders the entry of hair between the fibers. Thanks to this, you will forget about an unsightly shaggy couch or corner sofa! You can remove hair balls quickly and efficiently with a vacuum cleaner, a special clothes roll or even by moving your hand over the surface of the furniture.

An additional advantage of the fabric is also its increased resistance to abrasion, friction, claws and tears. At the same time, it is usually enriched with Hydrophobic or Easy Clean technology  , so that you can get rid of any stain in no time. So nothing stands in the way of you enjoying the company of your fluffy friend on the bed or sofa.

ELTAP has prepared a wide selection of Pet-Friendly fabrics for you, thanks to which our furniture will be perfect for the homes of all quadrupeds :)!

Special thanks to Frania